当前位置:首页 >> 风淋室故障|风淋室维修技术 >> 中央空调空气过滤器常识中央空调空气过滤器常识(Com mon Sense about Air Filter):
Area and Life of Filters
The resistance of filters increases with augmented volume and velocity of air flow.Collected or adsorbed
dust and particles cause increasing resistance to airflow,which enlarges resistance of filters.Otherwise,
because of combined particle with filter media。that forming a new barrier of filter imProves the efficiency
slightly.But the total efficiency is up to area of filter and dust holding capacity.So the area has something
to do with life.In general,increasing area of filter plays a major role in prolonging life 0f filter.
0bsoIescence of Filters
The more dust is collected on the filters,the larger resistance OCCUrs.The life of filter comes to the end
when resistance reaches a certain level.Sometimes,the dust collected by fiIter causes COUnterforce
that makes dusty around due to preventing airflow,which is called end signal of filter life. It indicates
0bS0lescence Of filters.
中央空调空气过滤器常识>>过滤器空气阻力 .
ResiStance of Air
Active airflow meeting filter material makes flow bypassing and causes slight resistance,numerous
fiber makes fiIter cause a certain resistance in total at a certain veIocity of ai rflow is called the resistance Of filer.